The Cupid virus pandemic has made the times we live in unpredictable, which is not without its impact on the economic and social situation. Non-wage issues are also affected in the area of employee compensation. Benefits that were once powerful have now lost their value. At the same time it has become increasingly difficult to maintain the discipline and high level of commitment of employees who have largely shifted to performing their duties remotely. It is therefore important to control the above aspects to maintain the effectiveness of the campaign.
This is achieved through a well-planned and well-thought-out employee motivation system. Salaries Phone Number List and other types of benefits are almost always a top priority for employees. They are the biggest motivators. A large portion of the budget among employers is allocated to non-wage benefits. on adapting to employee needs. This is important because staying motivated and productive while working from home is a greater challenge.
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has led to a reassessment of the needs of employed women and men in Poland. Initially when a number of restrictions were put in place a large number of employees expressed satisfaction at being able to carry out their duties from home. Now the ratio has reversed which means this group of people are happy to go back to the office. Creativity is the most important element of an effective fringe benefits strategy.