Have A ReferenceOverlap. What Happens If The Second Partner To Deliver The Reference FileSelects “Assert Exclusive Rights”? The first partner will immediately loseclaims on the content and should remove the overlapping portion from theirreference. User videos that match only the excluded portion will be claimed byboth partners, but excluded from the other partner’s list of claims. Uservideos that match only the excluded portion will be given to the second partnerwho selected “Assert Exclusive Rights”. The first partner will be asked toreview the overlap, and either assert exclusive rights or exclude theoverlapping segment from their reference. 58. YouTube WithCopyrighted Material. If The Copyright Owner Sets A Policy Italy WhatsApp Number Data To Block UserUploads, What Happens? It’s marked as unavailable for viewing in theterritories specified by the copyright owner. It’s flagged for a copyrighttakedown notice. It’s deleted from the site within 10 business days. It’sdesignated as a violation of YouTube’s Terms of Service. 59. How Do CopyrightLaws Apply Internationally? Vary by country Laws follow either EU or USprecedent Same across all countries Common standards are updated annually 60.What Is A Claim? A container for information about a piece of intellectualproperty Policy that enables monetization for all videos Link between a videouploaded to
YouTube and an asset Alegal process to prove ownership of intellectual property 61. Which Of TheFollowing Things Can Be Protected By Copyright? Abstract ideas Photos Methodsof operation Facts 62. Your Company Has Given Another Party The Right To UseYour Content In Their Videos. How Would You Prevent An Automated Content IDClaim From Happening On Their Channel? Ask the other party to enter your channelID in their asset metadata Turn off “Enable Content ID matching”?. Whitelistthe other party’s channel. Duplicate your asset so the other can assignownership to the content 63. Why Is It Important For You To Choose ReferencesCarefully? To ensure accurate claiming of