registration process, the login screen, andeverything related to the front-end of your app. 4. Create A PrototypePrototype lets you see and feel the app. It must be created as early aspossible. Once you have the UX wireframe, creating a low-fidelity prototype iseasy. Create a prototype The low-fidelity prototype is the sketchy prototypethat can be created right away as the wireframe is ready. There is no need towaste money on expensive prototypes. Not only does a high-fidelity prototypeconsume resources but it takes time. A simple physical prototype will show youhow the app looks. The purpose of a prototype, by any means, is not to test orimprove the functionality. Physical prototype A lot of experts recommend usinglow-fidelity prototypes to
save cost and time. Instead of wasting moneycreating expensive prototypes, spend money on app functions, features, and oncoding. Mozilla used low-fidelity prototypes to tweak its support website. created on paper. They quicklyselected Japan WhatsApp Number List the best user-interface elements that worked for the users. Mozilla lowfidelity prototype 5. UI Design Do not confuse UX wireframe and prototypingwith the user interface (UI) design. The UX research, wireframing, andprototyping are about how the app works while the UI design is about how theapp looks. Once the UX has been tested, tweaked, and several prototypes havebeen tested and finalized, you have to move to the UI designing phase. At thisstage, you have
to deal with the visual representation of theconcepts, color schemes, fonts, shapes, buttons, font size, images, forms,illustrations, animation, etc. You have to test multiple designs to see whatworks best for your users. The color schemes, skins, themes, and all the visualelements have to be tweaked several times to find what works. It’s somewhatsimilar to A/B testing with difference being that in case of UI design, youhave to make the judgments yourself. You cannot bring customers on board atthis stage. UI Design Just like prototyping, the UI designs can be sketched onpaper. Paper Prototyping Or, you can use a simple app for it known as PaperApp. You can sketch different versions of your app and see which looks better.Paper App Or, you can use a UI