If you’re struggling with traffic, but you already have a quality ebook/course/product that you believe in, you can try to recruit the help of other people. You can offer bloggers exclusive deals to their audience, for example a chance to get your book/course for free.
If your content is high quality, and you’ve already established some rapport with a few Country Email List influencers in your space, then this can be a lot easier than you might think. Again I advise against the ‘spam and pray’ approach. And don’t forget to follow up.
Concluding Our Tips to Grow Your Email List
While the first step to building an audience and turning members of that audience into customers, is of course traffic, getting visitors in the first place, the second step is making sure that they keep coming back. If they don’t come back, they’ll just be some random person who ventured onto your site once.
But once folks join your newsletter, they’ll slowly get to know you and what you’re about. Or if you already have the traffic coming in, then use any of or combine method 1-4. However if you’re still struggling with getting people to visit your site then work towards 5-6.
Do you run a newsletter, an email course or any other form of email list? We’d love to hear some of your tips (and I’m sure our other readers would too).