A bit of distance and a lot of trust . After all a brand strategy is not a finished product that you can see touch smell and order a few pieces. When starting to work on a strategy remember that as a decisionmaker you must be involved in it. Don't be prejudiced don't assume you know everything best because you've been in the industry for years. Experience tells me that it is much easier if you stop viewing marketing as a cost and start looking at it as an investment supporting sales. Kantar Millward Brown conducted interesting research in October and November .
According to them as many as of consumers in Poland first look for information online and then decide to make a purchase. It is clear from this that social selling is often the first point of contact with customers. Dwarf No. POSITIONING Find Hit Post out where you are and how it compares to your competition. Engage someone from outside the organization for this task . This will allow you to verify what is your imagination and what is fact. Remember that writing on your company website that you are a leader in the XYZ industry does not make you one especially if other companies title themselves in the same way.
An audit of your activities will allow you to find areas in which your company is performing worse and which are its strengths in terms of resources skills or human capital. Competition analysis is also important at this stage. Not to compare yourself to it but to know how to position yourself against it i.e. what brand image to shape in the eyes of your target group. Dwarf No. PROMISE What do you give to your customers? How do you help them? Do you provide reliable software? Do you produce glass that even a knife won't scratch? Do you sew Tshirts that do not stretch in the wash? Do you deliver the product to the customer within hours? Communicate your specific promise one that your customer will be able to hold you accountable to . Look for common points .