The theme days are still available, with the code SEOKRATIE15 you even save 15 percent. If you register for the entire week, you can still go to Campixx, because the ticket is of course included. I'm probably one of the few crazy people who took part every time - making this the eighth year in a row. Don't miss any more posts: THE newsletter in online marketing Do you like this blog post? If you want to regularly keep up with the latest trends in online marketing, then subscribe to our newsletter now. Over 18,000 subscribers trust us. Subscribe now.
March in Munich smx-munich Absolutely top-class conference with international India Car Owner Phone Number List speakers. 2016 will be my eighth time here too. By far the best in terms of the average quality of the lectures. You can now save 15% with the voucher code SEOKRATIESMX . Recap 2009 (2010 is probably lost?) Recap 2011 Recap 2012 Live blog from SMX 2013 part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 or recap 2013 Recap 2014 Live blog from SMX 2015. AllFacebook Marketing Conference March 17th in Munich allfacebook Unfortunately at the same time as the SMX, which is why I can't come - but someone else from us is there. The second point in the program already makes me want to divide myself into two: The woman behind the “die Welt” intern gives a lecture with insights.

This is probably because the same organizer behind the #AFBMC is behind the SMX. ContentDay April 15th in Salzburg contentday Content marketing conference in Salzburg. Unfortunately I can't say much yet because I couldn't last year. But it will certainly be top-class, especially because I am a speaker. With the code SEOKRATIE16 you get 30 euros off the ticket. I think this is a real insider tip: at the end of May, when it's already nice and warm - in sunny Valencia. Marcus Tandler, Wil Reynolds, Aleyda Solis, Lisa Myers, Bas van den Beld and Rand Fishkin give the event a lot of praise because they have all registered as speakers.