Thanks to the justification of the characters , and therefore of the text, readers have a better view of the lines and this makes reading easier. However, things have changed with the computerization of data. Indeed, if a text justified on paper is immediately assimilated by the reader, its form changes once it is transposed onto the Internet. Depending on the length of the words used, a justified text has more or less spaces between words. These make it difficult to read online , not to mention that the texts are scrolled (the action of quickly scrolling through content). justify your texts, online, web, content marketing Reasons not to justify the texts of a website.
The texts on websites are less and less justified , for many reasons. First of all, Internet users face WhatsApp Number List different problems. On the web, the higher contrast and slanted reading of information cause visual fatigue. According to some studies, blocky text can cause cognitive disorientation. Depending on the operating system used, reading can be complicated. Some texts may be fragmented due to a graphics rendering problem, thus giving an unaesthetic result. Another reason not to justify texts online: scrolling. On the Internet, information scrolls vertically and sometimes even horizontally, which makes it even more difficult to read a justified element.
Finally, the justification of a text contradicts the instructions given by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). This organization, responsible for implementing accessibility rules for web content, indicated that justified texts pose problems for the visually impaired using adapted reading systems. In addition, block texts create problems for people with dyslexia or learning disabilities, because they do not have a reference point to help them read. However, the main pages of a website for ergonomic reasons can be justified. You simply have to make a clear distinction between the presentation of a page and regular content. It is recommended to.