Let’s get starte. → Download Now: 10 LinkeIn Summary Templates Table of Contents What is a LinkeIn summary? Why a Good LinkeIn Summary is Important How to Write a LinkeIn Summary What (Not) to Put in a LinkeIn Summary LinkeIn Summary Examples LinkeIn Summary Template LinkeIn Summary The LinkeIn summary, also referre to as the LinkeIn bio or LinkeIn about section, is a few paragraphs of text that appears right before a LinkeIn user’s list of current and prior roles.
LinkeIn gives a limit of up to 2,000 words, but only the first three lines are visible before a Cambodia Phone Number Data visitor has to click ‘See More.’ If you're a marketing or sales professional like myself, writing a LinkeIn summary is especially hard. You're not targeting recruiters and hiring managers; you're appealing to potential clients and buyers. To catch their attention, you nee to be a little more flashy with your expertise. When I first crafte my summary almost a decade ago, I simply regurgitate key points in my background — I went to [X] college, then joine [X] company, and so on.
Looking back, I was missing a clear narrative pulling it all together. I also realize that potential clients aren’t just looking for someone with a shiny, perfect track record; they’re looking for a bigger story, a solution to their problem, and a relationship they can trust. 80+ Professional Bioa compelling professional narrative for a proper, attention-grabbing introduction. LinkeIn Summaries Speaker Intros Website Bios Professional Profile Download for free Learn more Whether you’re a job seeker starting your search on LinkeIn or a tenure professional, your summary should speak to your skills, experience, and professional interests — think of it as your digital elevator pitch.