Legal marketing The presented period is year from the start of SEO activities, with particular emphasis on running a regular blog. Increase in website visibility in the TOP yearonyear . A blog is also an ideal place to show professionalism and specialization in a given field. Articles that present interesting legal issues in a substantive and understandable way allow you to get closer to a potential client. It is a kind of presentation of legal skills before any contact with the client. . Content posted on the blog also constitutes the basis for use in subsequent marketing activities , such as posts on social media platforms.
An eample is communication on a company page on LinkedIn the limitation of the Europe Cell Phone Number List length of posts up to , characters often does not allow for free development of a given thread. A common practice is to add an announcement of a given topic in a post on LinkedIn and refer the user to a broader, substantive discussion on the blog. Issues worth discussing on the law firms blog include describing the services provided interpretation of judgments answers to frequently asked questions simple legal advice upcoming changes in law that are important for our recipient group. law firms What else can be done, apart from organic activities such as running a blog, taking care of the companys image through the website and obtaining references from clients, to make the law firm and the specialists working there stand out from the competition?
Show yourself and your law firm on social media! The question immediately arises which channel is the best to ensure that the time invested and commitment to communication brings the epected results. Once again, just like when creating a website, you need to return to the issue of the recipient group. Who are the people in your target group and where can you find them online? The answer should determine the choice of social media channels that are worth paying the most attention to. marketing for law firms Communication on LinkedIn The fastest growing business platform in Poland and in the world is LinkedIn .