The bigger the site, the higher the risk. Established sites that do not restrict indexing of search results pages or marketplaces that leverage user-generated content (UGC) run the risk of amassing an enormous amount of long-tail traffic through low-quality adult terms. Google Search Console GSC is a great place to start looking. While it does not provide complete keyword data, it offers enough insights to gauge the magnitude of the problem by examining a relatively small sample of top keywords. Google Analytics GA (and most other web analytics tools) can help get more granular by analyzing URLs of top organic landing pages for adult terms or phrases that could be interpreted as adult in meaning.
This is especially relevant for marketplaces, sites that DB to Data internal search results, or leverage UGC for SEO. As a bonus, GA makes it easier to understand the business impact of adult traffic by cross-referencing it with available engagement and conversion data. Ahrefs Ahrefs is a fantastic tool that can analyze massive lists of keywords and their ranking fluctuations. With a bit of regex magic or AI help, it’s possible to determine which keywords have adult intent and estimate the overall share of traffic they represent.
The best part? Competitive intelligence. Ahrefs makes it easy to analyze competitor standing with respect to adult traffic and glimpse additional insights behind their SEO reach and performance. It’s well worth segmenting traffic data for further detail. Do some geographies, days of week, times of day, or device types stand out more than others? Understanding behavioral and usage patterns can make isolating and addressing unwanted traffic easier. Get the daily newsletter search marketers rely on. Business email address Get Search Engine Land in your inbox. See terms. How to minimize and manage unwanted adult-intent traffic While no solution will be perfect, here are several ways to reduce adult-intent traffic.