In this video from our YouTube channel , the director of Desperta Ferro Contemporánea, Javier Veramendi B , presents Clash of the Titans by David M. Glantz , with all the keys to the Eastern Front in history . The book is now available at the usual points of sale and at As Veramendi indicates , the work, which deals with a fundamental moment in the history of the twentieth century, masterfully exposes the advances and setbacks of the Red Army between and The confrontation between Hitler and Stalin culminated with the entry of the Russians into Berlin where the hammer and sickle waved over the ruins of the Reichstag . An eloquent symbol of the end of a life or death struggle that marked the triumph of the Soviet Union over National Socialist Germany , in what was, without a doubt, the decisive front of the Second World War .
Told in extraordinarily agile prose, in this revised and expanded edition of the original When Titans Clashed, published in , David M. Glantz, a leading authority on the study of the Soviet military , and Jonathan M. House , present B2B Email List an interpretation , largely novel, of the Eastern Front , what in the USSR was known as the " Great Patriotic War ", addressing it from the Soviet perspective, so often biased or ignored. Whether it is a self-assigned ethnonym or one imposed by neighboring towns, its warlike connotation seems evident, something common to many names of Gallic or Germanictowns. But the Belgian peoples were not a monolithic unit, but among them there would have been different levels of cultural development, largely related to their greater or lesser insertion in the commercial circuits that, in an increasingly intense way, linked Gaul with the Mediterranean world. Thus, remos or suesiones, whose territory is based around .

The authors, using previously unpublished information from previously classified Soviet sources, offer an analysis of the conflict that radically renews our understanding of the USSR's experience during World War II . Clash of the Titans offers recent revelations about the strategy and tactics of the Red Army and the role of Stalin as its supreme commander, brings us closer to the emergence of innovative commanders trained in the heat of combat, reveals numerous military operations that until now had been passed overlooked or undervalued, it points out German miscalculations on the Eastern Front, the effect on the Soviet effort of D-Day and the "second front," and the devastating impact of the war on the Soviet economy and the civilian population. An essential book to understand why it was the red flag that flew over the Reichstag and not the swastika over the Kremlin.