including triggers, to move towards closing. During the B2B sales negotiation phase , there are even more powerful triggers to motivate customer conversion. But know how to use them with caution so as not to compromise your credibility. Remember that to decide which one best fits your situation, you must thoroughly understand the customer's characteristics. Bottom of the sales funnel: closing and post-sales ideal to deal with each specific situation, one thing never changes: the need to make the customer understand the value of your solution . After long periods of.
negotiating with the client, there may still be some insecurities Phone Number List the closing. This frequently occurs in the B2B sales scenario, as this environment is marked by higher emotional costs. So, always reinforce with the customer the commitment you have with them. Show the weight of the contract, detail the support offered and clearly demonstrate that your company will accompany you not only during the closing, but throughout the entire process that follows. And, of course, remember that the seller's contact with the customer should not end with the signing of the contract. For the relationship to be.

lasting and positive, it is necessary to invest in after-sales strategies. This moment in the purchasing journey is usually left aside by most corporations, as their main objective – which is the sale – has already been completed. The after-sales process must be started quickly, so as not to let time erase the relevance of the solution that the customer purchased. The best way to start this type of campaign is to make contact shortly after closing, formalizing the next steps and making continuous approaches to check whether the customer's needs are being met. How important is the sales funnel for your business? As we.