本帖最後由 piloyniloy11@gm 於 2024-2-28 19:04 編輯
and work together in a caring and safe environment. We lookforward to rolling out our programming for the coming months, which includesAMA sessions with Zendesk experts in the community, to expand its reach andenable our incredible partners to leverage their unique perspectives to drivemore innovation together. What are you waiting for to participate? How toregister Email your membership request to . TheTechnical Partner Community is open to all reseller partners who have beenofficially onboarded into our partner program. CX Trend 2024: Unlock thepotential of intelligent CX Ten trends every CX leader needs to know in the eraof intelligent CX, a colossal transformation powered by AI, automation and data
analytics. By Adrian McDermott, Chief Technology Officer,Zendesk Last updated Chinese Australia Phone Number List February 23, 2024 CX Trends 2024 The world of customerexperience is undergoing colossal transformation, as rapid advances inartificial intelligence, data analytics and other emerging technologies areshaking up the very foundations of the industry. of everything they do, from their tools to their teams. In just a fewyears, these forces will radically transform the connection between customers andthe organizations that support them. It’s a new world opening up to businesses.They must understand the challenges and opportunities, and plan theiractivities accordingly to reap the benefits of these new technologies. Fromdramatically
reducing CX costs to improving customer relationships, theera of intelligent CX will deliver a higher level of interaction betweencustomers and the organizations they buy from. At Zendesk, we think deeplyabout the customer experience and how to improve it for all parties involved.Our annual CX Trends report, now in its sixth edition, is our largest yet.We've identified ten top trends to help you prepare for the future. They can bedivided into three categories of innovation: AI and intelligent experiencesReliable data and experiences Next-generation immersive experiences AI andintelligent experiences The best customer experiences are personalized. The4,500 global CX leaders surveyed by Zendesk expect generative AI to acceleratethe