Sugar Steven Universe tells the story of what’s coming Arrival is the coming-of-age story of the titular boy Zach Callison. Although Steven's father is a car wash rock musician, his mother, Rose Quartz, is a gem - a magical humanoid alien from outer space. Years ago Rose led her team of rebel Crystal Gems in a war against their alien homeworld to protect their home planet Earth. Now Steven inherits her life-force drive to protect the Earth—and it turns out
Rose's legacy isn't all that great. Image courtesy of Cartoon Network Steven Female number Female number Universe has made even more revolutionary strides in its representation of mental illness. Steven saves the world and tries to find his place in everything. "He inherited his body and abilities from Ross which allowed him to escape life-threatening danger" explained in an interview. "The problem is he's no longer in a life-threatening situation but his body has learned to react that way." Steven puts aside his own trauma and continues to put others first.
He was eventually diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Bojack Horseman BoJack Will Arnett is an anthropomorphic horse and a washed-up television star. Back in the 1990s, he played the father in a very romantic Full House-esque sitcom. He's so self-loathing these days that he always says harsh things. But BoJack essentially suffers from depression and a substance abuse disorder. He just didn't handle it well - or at all. Image courtesy The show does a good job of making sure BoJack is held accountable for his toxic and harmful actions.