Today banks can set such contractual terms as they see fit and entrepreneurs or even interest groups such as beekeepers can theoretically be out of luck if the bank becomes displeased for some reason. At the same time however legal entities are effectively prevented from doing business. do business today without a bank account. According to the law you need to report his number to the tax office.
An account number is required for example by the Value Added Tax Act without which Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data you will not become its registered payer."Although the CNB declares that it does not want to harm the crypto industry in any way we cannot expect any proactivity from them either. Which I understand on the one hand but at the same time in my opinion no industry should be discriminated against in this way from the point of view of banks" declares Marek Kyrsch founder of the Anycoin exchange and member of the Czech Cryptocurrency Association.Rostislav Plachý co-founder of GG Digital sees the current situation more optimistically than the first two .
I have a very positive view of the fact that the CNB fit into the role of unofficial mediator of this problem. It is so likely that the June meeting was not the last. Now its up to us to continue the work weve done and create more pressure for change. We must not let up and have to believe that the situation will improve" he hopes.However most representatives of the Czech crypto industry do not share similar optimism.