When having a business meeting
For users (junior high school students and parents) who are worried about the many things they don't understand about their first regular test, we provide very realistic and practical study methods to get a good score on the test in 6 chapters and over 15,000 characters. It is written. One of the reasons why the content is not ordinary is that the learning know-how shared by Mr. Sprix is reflected in the article in an appropriate manner. Reference: Article provided by Sprick Keyword “ 1st year of junior high school regular test ” It can be said that one element of achieving results is to generously provide content that incorporates your company's experience and past knowledge, rather than providing general, run-of-the-mill content. 5. Things that were good to work on Our brand as a “comprehensive education company” has taken root outside the company. As a result of our content marketing, the number of people outside the company saying, ``I saw Sprix's article!'' has increased. Of course, we also receive inquiries from parents and the general public.At the same time, we also provide cram schools for individuals, as well as businesses for companies.with a company representative, it can sometimes be a starting point for a conversation such as, ``I saw Sprix's article... ' ' I was surprised that it would have such an effect, but I realized that it can be effective in many different ways. Owned media that can be expected to attract continuous customers has been created. As competition in online advertising intensifies in the education industry, we believe that Chinese UK Phone Number List one of our achievements is that we were able to build a pull-type, owned media that leads to continuous customer attraction . Each strategy has its advantages and disadvantages, but competition in web advertising is becoming more intense year by year, and the cost per customer acquisition is on the rise. Therefore, in the future, the importance of branding measures and pull-type measures centered on content marketing will increase relatively.
Sprix, which has developed various educational businesses, has accumulated a lot of educational information in-house. We hope to continue to be of help to as many students and parents as possible through our content marketing activities. 6.Who do you recommend Buzz Club's keyword research to? Those who want to convey new values in an industry where old values tend to be accepted as correct. When an industry has a long history and old values and traditions tend to be accepted as correct, it is often difficult to convey new values and ways of thinking. However, Buzz Department's keyword research is an effective means to break through this situation and widely communicate new values. Keyword research is an important process that uncovers what users want and are interested in. The content created based on the results can directly respond to user interests and effectively convey new values and information.